Wednesday, November 3, 2010


  1. Seriously in love with your floor. Details, details..... I hope it's the one I've chosen - I'll be tickled orange if it is coz it's beautiful.
    Doesn't look like you've got long to go now??

  2. Thanks Reinsey - great to hear people like what we have chosen - we are loving everything but I guess we should as we picked it - ha ha!
    The floorboards are Quickstep Eligna - Vintage Oak Natural - we think they look great too! We originally wanted spotten gum which didnt come in the range (saw it in hard wood) and NOW they come out with it in thier range - we were so upset but now ours is installed I love it anyway! What is yours?? We have PCI in a couple of weeks so hoping to be moving in beginning of Dec!

  3. I so firmly believe that everything happens for a reason - and your reason is THEY LOOK FANTASTIC!!!
    We've picked Evolution "Blackbutt 2 strip satin" which came as a freebee as Carlisle are now including cat1 floors in lieu of tiles...bonus!

    Christmas in your new home - how exciting!!!
