Monday, October 11, 2010

Things are moving along!

Well it has been a while since the last post. We have reached lock up and fix now and we are on the home run. I (Lauren) have started training for a new part time job so things have been rather hectic in the Brodie house! But the house is coming along. Facade has been rendered ready for painting, bricks cleaned, kitchen in, tiling done. There are quite a few things we are not that happy with though so there may be a few heated discussions with our SS on the cards! Anyway here are some updated pics!


  1. Am loving your house! Great colour choices. And I can't believe how much the render makes the facade pop!
    Sounds like you've got your hands full...
    Best of luck with the new job!

  2. Thanks so much - it is nice to hear others think your choices look good - it is nice to see it all coming together and happy with everything we have chosen! And thanks on the job front - very happy to have gotten a great job to do just a couple of days a week so I can have the best of both worlds!

  3. Looks fantastic! Love your feature tiles. I keep having nightmares all of my colours look terrible. We are moving along now and our roof tiles went on today which is exciting. So far so good. Met our SS who seems really nice. Fingers crossed things keep going well!
